BNP questions Modi’s visit for anti-Indian politics: Hasan


DHAKA, Mar 3, 2020 (BSS) – Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud today said BNP raised questions over Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Bangladesh during the celebration of Mujib Year due to the party’s continued trend of anti-Indian politics.

“Anti-Indian stance is the focal point of BNP’s politics. To maintain this trend, Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has been raising such irrelevant questions,” he told a press conference at the ministry’s meeting room at the Secretariat here.

Dr Hasan, also Awami League joint general secretary, said BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir’s remarks have two purposes-one is to maintain their anti-Indian stance and another one is to create provocation against the country’s communal harmony.

He urged the BNP to refrain from such acts for the betterment of the country.

The minister said celebration of Mujib Year will not be fulfilled without participation of India as it is the country which had unparalleled support and contributions to the struggle for independence of this soil. “What has happened or not in India is their internal matter. The participation of India in the celebration of Bangabandhu’s birth centenary is very important,” he added.

He said there is no such situation in Bangladesh to raise question over it.

Recalling India’s contribution to the 1971 Liberation War of Bangladesh, Dr Hasan said around one crore people had taken refuge in India and they had given all-out support to Bangladesh.

He said the then Indian government and the then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi travelled to different countries to mount international pressure on Pakistan and get support of the world community to free Bangabandhu from Pakistani jail.

Because of the international pressure and the world public opinion, Pakistan had been compelled to free Bangabandhu, he added. The minister said though Bangladesh achieved victory on December 16 in 1971, the country’s freedom was fulfilled with the return of Bangabandhu to Bangladesh on January 10, 1972 from Pakistani jail.

Because of India’s unparalleled support to Bangladesh, the Indian premier along with heads of the government and the state of other neighboring countries has been invited to join the birth centenary celebration of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, he added.

Dr Hasan said several months ago, the Indian premier was invited and he accepted the invitation. He said there is a communal force which always does politics of opposing and tries to incite communalism. This communal force is out to raise questions, he added.

The minister said it is not matter to consider which party is in power in India as invitation was extended to Indian prime minister, not to any individual.

Asked about legal notice of taking private-run television channels as industry, he said he could make comments on that after observing the notice properly.

He said private television channels had started journey in Bangladesh under the initiative of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

This sector has witnessed a massive progress in the last 11 years as there were 10 private channels which rose to 34 now.

“Since the prime minister gave me the charge of information ministry, we have taken quick steps to resolve various problems of private television channels,” he said.

Dr Hasan said television channels does not only entertain rather these have been playing a crucial role in nation building, developing the conscience of the new generation, opening up third eyes and presenting the flaws of society.

He said private TV channels have been freed from the grasp of cable operators within six months which could not been possible in 12 years.

He said they have already carried out drives against operation of foreign TV channels through illegal direct to home (DTH) service.

“Many native advertisements were being aired on foreign channels. We also have taken steps against it,” he said.

“We have taken measures to digitize cable operating system, however cable operators could not do that within our specified timeframe,” he added.

The minister said some more measures will be taken to digitize the system soon.

“We have been trying to bring discipline in this sector and we are getting your support,” he told the reporters.