NBA warns players over interactions with fans


LOS ANGELES, March 3, 2020 (BSS/AFP) – Fist bumps are in, but high-fives
are out — NBA stars have been given a series of recommendations as the
league attempts to limit the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the sport.

ESPN reported on Monday that a memo sent to teams had outlined short-term
measures aimed at protecting players from exposure to the virus, which has
left six people dead in the United States so far.

The NBA memo recommends that players interacting with fans should bump
fists rather than high-five.

The league also advises players to avoid taking items such as pens, balls
and jerseys to autograph.

“The health and safety of NBA players, coaches, staff, and fans is
paramount,” the NBA and NBA Players Association said in the memo.

“We are consulting with infectious disease experts, including the Centers
for Disease Control (CDC), and a world-renowned infectious disease researcher
at Columbia University.

“We are also in regular communication with each other, NBA teams including
team physicians and athletic trainers, other professional sports leagues, and
of course, many of you.”

Some players have already taken steps to limit their exposure to the virus.

Portland Trail Blazers star C.J. McCollum said Saturday he was no longer
signing autographs because of the outbreak.

“Make sure y’all washing y’all hands with soap for 20 or more seconds &
covering ya mouths when you cough,” McCollum wrote on Twitter.

“I am officially taking a break from signing autographs until further

Other players were more circumspect.

Boston’s Kemba Walker said he would continue to sign autographs but added:
“Maybe I’ll just walk around with my own marker.”

ESPN noted that NBA teams were also studying the impact the crisis could
have on events such as pre-draft combines, on-site workouts and international
scouting events.