BSS-26 Momen inspects Bangladesh Embassy’s consular service in Paris





Momen inspects Bangladesh Embassy’s consular service in Paris

DHAKA, Feb 29, 2020 (BSS) – Foreign Minister Dr. A. K. Abdul Momen paid a visit to the Bangladesh Embassy in Paris on Friday.

During the visit, Dr. Momen inspected the Embassy’s consular service facilities and talked to the present service seekers to get firsthand knowledge on the quality of service provided by the Embassy.

He was also updated on the Paris Embassy’s preparedness for the celebration of the Birth Centenary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Later, he attended a reception held in his honour by the Jalalabad Association of Paris where two Mayors and a handful of councilors from various French cities were part of the attendance to exchange views on various contemporary global issues.

The French representatives were fulsome in praising Bangladesh Government for its proactive role to promote climate change related issues and adopting innovative approaches to combat the menace of climate change.

During the reception, Foreign Minister pledged to work with the French authorities to launch Dhaka-Paris direct flight.

While responding to the expatriates’ concerns, he held that the government will take steps to improve services at the airports and form a special tribunal to prosecute land grabbers.

Dr. Momen also attended another reception held by France Awami League as chief guest.

During the meeting, the local Awami league leaders conveyed their keenness to work with UNESCO on celebration of the International Mother Language Day.

BSS/PR/TIT/SMM/1830 hrs