BSP-15 Zimbabwe football stadia unfit for international games: CAF





Zimbabwe football stadia unfit for international games: CAF

HARARE, Feb 26, 2020 (BSS/AFP) – Zimbabwe’s stadiums have been declared
unsuitable for high-profile matches by the Confederation of African Football
(CAF), forcing sports authorities to seek an alternative venue for an
upcoming Africa Cup of Nations qualifier against Algeria.

The country’s football association (ZIFA) said Tuesday they had received a
letter from Cairo-based CAF stating none of the southern African nation’s
grounds met the “standards to host international matches”.

The letter was sent following a visit by CAF inspectors last November.

“CAF has made a decision to bar ZIFA from using local stadiums in all
upcoming international matches,” ZIFA spokesman Xolisani Gwesela said in a

“We need to put our heads together as a country to ensure that our stadiums
are renovated to meet the required standards.”

Zimbabwe was due to host the 2021 Africa Cup of Nations Group H qualifier
against holders Algeria next month.

The sports editor of Zimbabwe’s state-owned Herald202 newspaper Robson
Sharuko has blamed inaction by the authorities.

“It’s embarrassing and, sadly, it appears there are some people who simply
don’t care,” Sharuko said in an opinion piece on Wednesday.

Zimbabwe’s economy has been crippled by decades of mismanagement by former
president Robert Mugabe and his successor Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Hyperinflation has wiped out savings, cash is short and basic goods such as
fuel are hard to come by.

Facilities that were once a source of pride are dilapidated and most roads
are ridden with potholes.

BSS/AFP/FI/ 1730 hrs