BSS-13 Training for journo begins in Gaibandha





Training for journo begins in Gaibandha

GAIBANDHA, FEB 25, 2020 (BSS) – A three-daylong training for the
journalists on Investigative Reporting has begun at the training room of
Youth Training Center here today.

The objective of the training is to develop the skills of the media
persons about the investigative reporting and its techniques.

Press Institute Bangladesh (PIB) has arranged the training for the
journalists who are working in different national and local dailies,
electronic and online media.

Director (Admin and Training) of PIB M. Illias Ali Bhuiyan formally
inaugurated the training course this morning while junior trainer of the PIB
Mohammad Shah Alam is coordinating the training.

M. Illias Ali Bhuiyan in his inaugural speeches said there is no
alternative to training to enhance professional skills as the training makes
a person well equipped.

He also urged the journalists to complete the training course with
patience and apply the knowledge to be acquired from it in their professional

A total of 35 journalists from the district are taking part in the

BSS/CORR/SKB/ 1645 hrs