China reports 150 more virus deaths


BEIJING, Feb 24, 2020 (BSS/AFP) – China’s death toll from the new
coronavirus rose to 2,592 on Monday, after the National Health Commission
reported 150 more fatalities, all but one in the epicentre of Hubei province.

Monday’s death toll was a jump on the 97 deaths reported Sunday.

The commission also confirmed a total of 409 new cases in China, with all
but 11 in Hubei.

Multiple provinces have reported zero new infections for several days in a
row, even as the situation continues to worsen within Hubei and outside of

Only one death was reported outside of Hubei on Monday, in Hainan province,
where the official Xinhua news agency said a 55-year-old doctor had died.

The coronavirus has spread to more than 25 countries and is causing
mounting alarm due to new pockets of outbreaks in Europe, the Middle East,
and Asia.

Italy reported a third death while cases spiked, and authorities suspended
football games while the Venice Carnival was cut short.

Iran’s confirmed death toll rose to eight, prompting travel bans from
neighbouring countries.

China’s numbers of daily new infections are well down from the outbreak’s
early height.

But the country’s authorities have sowed confusion about the data by
repeatedly changing their counting methods.