

Quoting a verse of a poem of Poet Michael Madhusudan Dutta in which he
wrote – “Bine swadeshi bhasha, mite ki asha?” the prime minister said the
celebrated poet wanted to write poems in foreign languages and he also tried
to write it and become a ‘saheb’ (sir) by moving abroad.

“But at one stage, the poet realised that satisfaction is not gotten after
becoming a ‘saheb’ and later he returned to mother land,” she said.

In her speech, Sheikh Hasina also renewed her vow to build Bangladesh as a
self-dignified nation in the world by making the country’s independence
meaningful and sought cooperation of all in this regard.

“Bangladesh is our mother land and we want to build it beautifully and
also want that none can undermine the country while hearing its name, rather
they see Bangladesh with honour,” she said.

The premier went on saying: “We want to build Bangladesh as a self-
dignified nation in the world by materialising Bangabandhu’s dream of
establishing a hunger and poverty-free prosperous and developed country.”

Sheikh Hasina said: “We want to build Bangladesh in the spirit of the
liberation war and make our independence meaningful and we’re working
tirelessly to achieve the goal.”

“We’ve always to keep in mind that we earned independence in exchange of
blood of three million martyrs,” she said.

Recalling Bangabandhu’s great sacrifice for the nation, the prime minister
said the Father of the Nation dedicated his entire life to the welfare of the
country and its people.

“Bangabandhu wanted to bring smiles on the faces of the distressed people
by sacrificing all happiness of his life and our aim is to fulfill his that
dream,” she said.

Pointing out Bangladesh’s tremendous development in the last one decade,
Sheikh Hasina said the country is progressing at irresistible pace now. “We
want this pace to continue,” she said.

“Massive development took place in the country in the last one decade …
we want to develop it further and we’re advancing towards our goal by
overcoming many obstacles,” she said.

The prime minister said her government has taken various far-reaching
plans to build Bangladesh as the most developed and prosperous nation in
South Asia.

“We want the generations after generations to enjoy the fruits of our
plans and build their life beautifully,” she said.

MORE/SH/FI/ 1455 hrs