BFF-32 UK to offer Stephen Hawking fellowships





UK to offer Stephen Hawking fellowships

LONDON, June 11, 2018 (BSS/AFP) – Exceptional students in mathematics and
physics can compete for research fellowships in honour of the late British
physicist Stephen Hawking, who died in March, the government announced on

Up to 10 fellowships will be awarded each year for the next five years to
candidates completing doctoral studies in maths, physics and computer
sciences, according to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial

The 50 recipients will receive financial support allowing them to continue
their work in any British institution for up to three years, it said.

The creation of the “Stephen Hawking Fellowships” follow discussions with
his family, said Science Minister Sam Gyimah.

“I can think of no more fitting tribute to this great man than to support
the next generation to push the boundaries of knowledge of the laws that
govern our universe,” he added.

Hawking’s children Robert, Lucy and Tim Hawking, said they were “thrilled”
by the move and that their father “knew the value that fellowships could
provide to advancing research”.

“As a scientist who made extraordinary discoveries throughout his career
but particularly in his early years, he was very interested in the
development of new talent and devoted much of his career to his teaching
roles,” they said.

“We are thrilled that these fellowships will be named after him and see
this as a great tribute to his life in science.”

British physicist Hawking died at his Cambridge home on March 14 at the age
of 76.

His ashes will be interred at Westminster Abbey between the graves of Sir
Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin on Friday.

BSS/AFP/FI/ 1423 hrs