SME products fair to begin on March 12 in Gaibandha


GAIBANDHA, Feb 16, 2020 (BSS) – A seven-day Regional Small and Medium Entrepreneurs’ (SME) Products Fair-2020 will begin at Independence Square of the town on March 12 to create entrepreneurs at the grassroot-level.

SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) Foundation in cooperation with Gaibandha BSCIC (Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation), Gaibandha Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), National Association of Small and Cottage Industries of Bangladesh (NASIB) Gaibandha and Sonali Bank Ltd, Gaibandha will organise the fair.

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Abdul Matin disclosed this in a monthly meeting of district development coordination committee (DDCC) at his conference room of the town on Sunday.

The objectives of the fair are to create entrepreneurs at the grassroot-
level through promoting the SME products to the customers and the visitors at
local and international levels, the DC said.

District administration would supervise overall activities to hold the fair
successfully from March 12 to March 18, the DC added.

Around 100 stalls would be set up in the fair.

Later, the district-level officials presented their departmental
activities and briefed the DDCC members about the progressive reports against
their development works elaborately.