BFF-41 UK calls virus ‘serious’ threat, reports new cases





UK calls virus ‘serious’ threat, reports new cases

LONDON, Feb 10, 2020 (BSS/AFP) – The British government on Monday warned
the outbreak of novel coronavirus was a “serious and imminent threat” and
reported four new cases that brought the total recorded in the country to

Anyone with the virus can now be forcibly quarantined and sent into
isolation if they are deemed to pose a public health threat, the government

Two hospitals have been designated as “isolation” facilities, with both
currently housing Britons who have returned from Wuhan, the Chinese city at
the centre of the outbreak.

“The incidence or transmission of novel coronavirus constitutes a serious
and imminent threat to public health,” the health ministry warned.

The Press Association news agency quoted an unnamed government source as
saying the new measures were announced because one person who returned from
China on an evacuation flight “was threatening to abscond” from 14-day

The new patients who tested positive in Britain are all known contacts of
a previously confirmed case in France, the ministry said.

Health authorities were not able to confirm if these are the same cases
reported by the French authorities on Saturday when contacted by AFP.

Five British nationals who tested positive in France came in contact with
a Briton who had returned from Singapore and stayed at a ski chalet near Mont
Blanc in the French Alps.

The four new patients have been transferred to specialist centres in two
London hospitals “and we are now using robust infection control measures to
prevent further spread of the virus,” the health ministry said.

The health service was “extremely well prepared to manage these cases and
treat them.”

Two evacuation flights have returned British nationals from Wuhan and they
have been taken into quarantine for two weeks.

Health minister Matt Hancock said the new regulations would “ensure that
the public are protected as far as possible from the transmission of the

The SARS-like virus, which first emerged at the end of last year, has
killed more than 900 people and spread around the world. Some 40,000 people
have been infected in China and 350 elsewhere.

BSS/AFP/RY/1710 hrs