

Spelling out various measures taken by her government for creating jobs, Sheikh Hasina said, “We have created employment for two crore people since assuming office in 2009.”

The premier urged the youths to initiate business after taking loan from the Start Up Fund, saying, “We have allocated Taka 100 crore as Start Up Fund (in the budget) as part of the move to create entrepreneurs.”

In this context, she said her government has been setting up 100 economic zones across the country which will create huge employment opportunities.

The premier said her government has taken massive measures incorporating sports and culture for the overall development of the youths as Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wanted to develop themselves as educated and strengthened ones.

In this context, she said her government’s target is to make the youths as efficient work forces.

Stressing the need for imparting the youths with appropriate training, the premier said that they have taken measures under various ministries to arrange training for the youths as they could create employments for themselves and others.

Besides, the government has also wanted to send trained and efficient workers abroad, she added.

The premier said her government is set to start giving technical education to students from class six.

The premier said her government has been working to reach urban amenities to each of the villages.

“We have been working to reach the benefit of the Liberation War to each home with turning the country into a developed and prosperous one free from hunger and poverty as dreamt by the Father of the Nation,” she said.

Sheikh Hasina earlier witnessed a power point presentation on the master plan of the Training Institute to be constructed at Dhamrai of Dhaka for the National Security Intelligence.

Chief architect of the Department of Architecture A S M Aminur Rahman highlighted key features of the plan through the power point presentation.

Prime Minister’s Principal Secretary Dr Ahmed Kaikaus, PMO Secretary Md. Tofazzel Hossain Miah and NSI Director General (DG) Major General TM Jobaer were present.
