BNP finding excuses for boycotting polls: Quader

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DHAKA, Jan 25, 2020 (BSS) – Awami League General Secretary and Road
Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader today said BNP is finding
excuses for staying away from the Dhaka city polls because of their
apprehension to lose the elections.

“BNP has apprehension of losing the election. So, they are finding
different excuses for staying away from the election,” he told journalists
after a function at BRAC Centre at Mahakhali here.

Asked about BNP’s allegation that the government is using everything to win
the polls, Quader said BNP beats around the bush. “BNP will have to prove
where Awami League violates the electoral code of conduct and how the
government interferes into the polls,” he said.

About the remarks of Shushashoner Jonno Nagorik (Shujan) regarding city
elections, he said AL candidate won the by-polls to Chattogram-8 constituency
while BNP mayoral contestant won the Dupchanchia municipality elections in
Bagura through the electronic voting machine (EVM) system.

If any kind of rigging or forgery took place in the polls or through the
EVM system, why the voter turnout was low, he questioned.

Quader said if the government had any ill motive, the turnout would have
been higher. So, the allegation of rigging is illogical, he added.

The minister said only making complaints without giving any specific proofs
cannot be accepted.

Earlier, the minister addressed a certificate giving ceremony for women
drivers of vehicles at the BRAC centre.

BRAC Executive Director Asif Saleh chaired the function while Women and
Children Affairs Ministry’s Secretary Kazi Rawshan Akhter, World Bank Country
Director Mercy Miyang Tembon, writer and researcher Syed Abul Maksud and BRAC
Director Anna Minj attended it, among others.

BRAC Administration and Road Safety Programme Director Ahmed Najmul Hossain
presented a paper on “Women behind the wheel for road safety”.