BSS-23 15 more RCC staffs get walkie-talkie sets




RCC-WALKIE-TALKIE (with picture)

15 more RCC staffs get walkie-talkie sets

RAJSHAHI, Jan 18, 2020 (BSS)- Fifteen more officers and employees of
Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) were given walkie-talkie sets for infusing
further dynamism into the RCC’s administrative and operational activities.

City Mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton handed over the sets to the respective
officers and employees at his city bhaban office here today.

Panel Mayor Shariful Islam Babu, Ward Councilor Tariqul Islam and Chief
Conservancy Officer Sheikh Mamun were present on the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion, Mayor Liton said proper communications through
the sets will contribute a lot towards intensifying the city’s regular
service delivery and help ensure civic amenities through round the clock
monitoring corporation’s activities.

He urged all the officials and employees concerned to discharge their
respective duties with utmost sincerity and honesty for overall welfare of
the city residents.

Earlier, 48 officers and employees of RCC were given the walkie-talkie

BSS/AH/SKB/ 1730 hrs