BSS-35 RAB arrests suspected rapist of DU student





RAB arrests suspected rapist of DU student

DHAKA, Jan 8, 2020 (BSS) – Elite anti-crime Rapid Action Battalion (RAB)
today said they arrested the alleged rapist of a Dhaka University student in
a predawn drive from the capital’s Sheora area and suspected him to be a
serial rapist.

“The (suspected) rapist has been arrested,” RAB spokesman Lieutenant
Colonel Md Sarwar-Bin-Quasem told a press conference at the force’s media
centre at Kawran Bazar here this afternoon.

He said 30-year-old suspect Maznu confessed to his guilt during an initial
interrogation while the victim also identified him as her rapist seeing his
photographs while she is now being treated at Dhaka Medical College
Hospital’s (DMCH) One-Stop Crisis Centre.

Sarwar said Manzu was believed to have raped a number of women street
beggars and physically challenged girls previously while the DU student
became his victim on January 5 on her way to a friend’s house near the
Kurmitola Golf Course along the Airport Road.

He said Manzu also admitted that he was a drug addict and had raped the
victim alone.

Quasem, who is the legal and media affairs director of RAB, said the
suspect was detailed at around 4.50 am from Sheora rail crossing area along
with the victim’s handbag.

RAB yesterday arrested one Khairul Islam, 38, along with the victim’s
mobile phone when he said he got the phone from one Aruna, who too was
arrested in a subsequent raid.

RAB said Aruna gave them the clue about Manzu leading to his arrest.

The RAB spokesman said a widower Maznu hailed from Hatiya of Noakhali, who
came to Dhaka 10 years ago to make a living but got involved in various
crimes, including mugging.

The rape victim’s father earlier filed a case with Cantonment Police
Station in the capital and later the case was transferred to police’s
Detective Branch.