Bangladesh-Myanmar agree to stop terrorist activities in border areas


DHAKA, Jan 08, 2020 (BSS) – Bangladesh and Myanmar have agreed to stop terrorist activities and preventing illicit human and drug trafficking, especially Yaba in the border areas.

Director General of Border Guards of Bangladesh (BGB) Major General Md. Shafeenul Islam stated that in a press briefing held today after 7th Senior Level Border Conference between BGB and Myanmar Police Force (MPF) here, this morning.

According to the official, both countries agreed to take actions against secessionist terrorists and emphasized on sharing real time information and frequent interactions at various level to stop human trafficking, illegal border crossing and drug trafficking.

The combined patrols of both forces have greatly reduced the Yaba trafficking already, he said.

In the meeting, Bangladesh declared to maintain “Zero-tolerance” policy with all-out effort to prevent illicit drugs and psychotropic substances especially Yaba trafficking along the border lines.

While, Myanmar has agreed to continue anti-narcotics drug measures in accordance with its national drug control policy, he added.

Both countries agreed to cooperate with each other in fighting transnational crimes, arms smuggling, violation of rules, and to notify each other if any shooting incidence takes place in the border area.

In case of unknowingly border crossing, both countries agreed to return the citizens to their homeland abiding by all rules and regulations.

Police Brigadier General Myoe Than, Chief of Police General Staff, Myanmar Police Force (MPF) led the eight member Myanmar delegation in the meeting.

Senior officials of BGB, Prime Minister’s Office, Home Affairs Ministry, Foreign Affairs Ministry and Drug Narcotics Control Department were present at the meeting among others.