

Pointing out that the government has enacted different laws and policies to
check child and woman repression, the premier said only enacting laws is not
enough, awareness is also a must to prevent such torture.

“We’ve formulated laws, but everything doesn’t happen by enacting laws,”
she said, adding awareness is also essential to prevent torture on children
and women.

Sheikh Hasina said her government has framed the Domestic Violence
Prevention Law, the Dowry Prevention Law, the Early Marriage Prevention Law
and enacted the Women Development Policy and the National Children Policy for
the welfare of the children and womenfolk.

“Awareness has been built up among the common people and girls about early
marriage due to framing of the law,” she said.

Sheikh Hasina said her government is doing everything necessary to
materialise Begum Rokeya’s dream of establishing women rights.

She said Begum Rokeya wanted a woman to become the head of any state and
she to move keeping pace with males in the family and society and enjoy equal

“We’ve at least ensured it and our womenfolk have started their journey
towards the path of light overcoming the darkness,” she said.

Sheikh Hasina said Bangladesh is marching ahead in terms of women
development by becoming a ‘sarathi’ (company) of dreams of Begum Rokeya.

“Bangladesh has set an example in the world in terms of women development
like it has become a role model of economic advancement,” she said, adding:
“We’ll have to keep up this progress.”

About the rights of women, the prime minister said desired development of
the country can not be possible leaving half of the population behind.

Sheikh Hasina said her government has been working relentlessly to further
develop the country taking male and female together to materialise dreams of
the harbinger of women renaissance Begum Rokeya.

Referring to the success of the girls in education, the premier said the
girls are doing good results in the examinations in comparison to the boys as
they (girls) are attentive to their education.

“A self-confidence has been created among the girls and their parents
encourage them in pursuing more study … due to this an ‘bibartan
(evolution) and change has taken place in the society,” she said, adding it
is a very good side for the country.

Sheikh Hasina said the girls are also demonstrating their success in the
games and sports. In this connection, she mentioned clinching gold medals of
the Bangladesh women cricket team and female weightlifters in the ongoing
South Asian Games in Nepal.

The prime minister said Bangladesh is advancing and it will continue to
move. “We will build Bangladesh as a hunger and poverty-free country as
dreamt by the Father of the Nation with the united efforts of all,” she said.

In this regard, Sheikh Hasina listed various steps of Bangabandhu for the
welfare of the womenfolk. “Bangabandhu had huge contributions to establishing
the rights of the women and ensuring their place in every field of the
society,” she said.

Following Bangabandhu’s footprint, she said, her government has taken
various initiatives for the wellbeing of the womenfolk.

Ministers, PM’s advisers, parliament members, women leaders, and high civil
and military officials were present at the function.

Earlier, the prime minister inaugurated the modernisation work of Osmani
Memorial Auditorium implemented by the Public Works Department under the
Ministry of Housing and Public Works.

Housing and Public Works Minister SM Rezaul Karim was present on the

BSS/SH/GMR/1420 hrs