Voluntarism vital to build healthy society


RAJSHAHI, Dec 6, 2019 (BSS)- Development activists at a discussion here Thursday mentioned substantial and sustainable flourishing of voluntarism can be a vital means of founding a healthy and peaceful society.

They also viewed that the volunteers always play an important role towards taking the underprivileged and disadvantaged sections of the society forward besides improving their living and livelihood condition.

Dewpara Union Parishad (UP) under Godagari Upazila in the district and DASCOH Foundation under its ‘Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) project’ jointly organized the discussion at the UP complex conference hall to mark the International Volunteers Day- 2019.

‘Volunteers for an Inclusive Future’ was the main theme of the day.

In addition to bringing out a rally, friendly sports match and awareness campaigns for generating volunteers were also organized there marking the day.

IWRM Project Coordinator Jahangir Alam Khan addressed the meeting as focal person with its volunteers’ team member Habibur Rahman in the chair.

UP Secretary Zibrail Hossain, IWRM Project Area Coordinator Amal Kumar Chakravarty, Community Mobilizer Joynal Abedeen and volunteers Alivia Biswash, Kibria Noyan and Syed Anwar Jaheed also spoke on the occasion. DASCOH Training Officer Subrata Kumar Paul moderated the discussion.

With intervention of the project, more than 1,500 volunteers have been developed who are implementing various humanitarian and benevolent programs in the region.

Jahangir Alam Khan mentioned that the diverse and dynamic role of volunteerism in promoting the Sustainable Development Goals merits strong support from policy planners along with their implementers and other stakeholders. On this International Day, he thanked volunteers for their efforts to leave no one behind.

The project is being implemented for improving living and livelihood condition of more than 12.58 lakh community people of 2.66 lakh households in around 1,280 drought-hit villages under 39 Union Parishads and three municipalities of eight upazilas in Rajshahi, Naogaon and Chapainawabganj districts since 2014.