BFF-14 Top Democrat pulls trigger on impeachment, Trump defiant





Top Democrat pulls trigger on impeachment, Trump defiant

WASHINGTON, Dec 6, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – Top US Democrat Nancy Pelosi gave the
green light Thursday to draft articles of impeachment against Donald Trump,
as the embattled president vowed he would “win” the coming fight.

By asking the House Judiciary Committee chairman to draw up the charges,
Speaker Pelosi signaled that a formal vote on impeaching the 45th American
president is all but assured.

With a majority of the Democratic-controlled chamber already expressing
intent to back the divisive procedure, Trump is likely to become just the
third president in US history to be impeached by the House of

“Sadly, but with confidence and humility, with allegiance to our founders
and a heart full of love for America, today I am asking our chairman to
proceed with articles of impeachment,” Pelosi said in a televised statement.

Trump “has engaged in abuse of power, undermined our national security and
jeopardized the integrity of our elections,” she said, adding that “the
president leaves us no choice but to act.”

A defiant Trump dared Democrats to press ahead with impeachment “now, fast”
— so he can have a “fair trial in the Senate” where his party holds power
and he is confident of being exonerated.

“The good thing is that the Republicans have NEVER been more united,” Trump
tweeted. “We will win!”

Pelosi’s address was short and somber. But America’s most powerful female
politician, facing a high-pressure moment of reckoning, concluded a follow-up
press conference by showing flashes of anger when a reporter asked if she
hated the president.

“I don’t hate anyone,” she fired back, pointing at the journalist in an
extraordinary confrontation.

“I pray for the president all the time. So don’t mess with me when it comes
to words like that.”

Pelosi did not announce the charges against Trump, but they could include
abuse of power, obstruction of Congress and obstruction of justice.

– ‘Absolute control’ in Senate –

“The president abused his power for his own political benefit,” Pelosi
said, by withholding military aid and a White House meeting in exchange for
Kiev’s commitment to investigate Joe Biden, his potential Democratic rival in
the 2020 election.

“If we allow a president to be above the law, we do so surely at the peril
of our republic,” added the speaker.

The White House, which has refused to cooperate with the inquiry, said
Democrats should be “ashamed” for pulling the impeachment trigger.

The process is expected to move rapidly from here on, with articles likely
presented for a full House vote later this month after weeks of hearings.

Democrats do not want impeachment and a subsequent Senate trial to suck up
too much political oxygen just as voting kicks off to determine their party’s
presidential nominee for 2020.

On Wednesday, three constitutional scholars told the Judiciary Committee
that the president’s actions seeking foreign interference in US elections
were clear grounds for removal.

But a fourth scholar, called by Republicans to testify, told the panel
there was “inadequate” evidence for impeachment.

Top House Republican Kevin McCarthy agreed.

“No bribery, no extortion, no obstruction of justice, and no abuse of
power,” he told reporters.

“Why are we going through this nightmare?”

Polling shows Americans are about evenly split on impeaching and removing
Trump — and the process has the potential to backfire on Democrats who face
reelection in districts won by Trump.

According to a poll average, 46.8 percent of
respondents support Trump’s impeachment and removal, versus 44.5 percent who
do not.

Longtime Democratic analyst David Axelrod, who served as president Barack
Obama’s chief campaign strategist, offered a blunt prediction for the
impeachment timetable.

“The House will impeach @POTUS by the end of the year because what he did
warrants it,” he tweeted.

“The Senate will hold a trial in January but not convict, regardless of
evidence, because he has absolute control of his party. And then we will move

BSS/AFP/GMR/0923 hrs