BFF-27 US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg released from hospital





US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg released from hospital

NEW YORK, Nov 25, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the US Supreme
Court’s eldest justice and de facto leader of its liberal wing, has been
released from hospital after being admitted last week with a possible

The 86-year-old has had a series of health scares this year, sparking
speculation she may retire — a move that would allow conservative US
President Donald Trump to nominate a replacement.

Ginsburg is “home and doing well”, US media reported the court as saying

She was hospitalized on Friday with fever and chills, according to a
court spokesperson.

A feminist icon, Ginsburg is one of four liberals on the nine-justice
court and has given no sign she is thinking of stepping down.

In August Ginsburg completed a three-week course of outpatient radiation
therapy in New York for a localized malignant tumor on her pancreas.

She was treated for colon cancer in 1999, and a decade later, pancreatic
cancer that was caught at an early stage. In December 2018, she had two
nodules removed from her lung.

US Supreme Court justices are appointed for life. She has repeatedly
said she will only retire when she feels incapable of handling the workload.

Ginsburg is fondly known as “The Notorious RBG,” a riff on dead rapper
The Notorious B.I.G.

BSS/AFP/RY/1540 hrs