BSS-33 Govt to build multi-storied buildings in coastal area





Govt to build multi-storied buildings in coastal area

DHAKA, Nov 12, 2019 (BSS) – As residents of coastal areas are reluctant to
leave their homesteads prior to any natural disaster, the government is
planning to build durable and disaster-tolerant multi story high-rise
buildings in the coastal areas for their safety and security.

This was stated by State Minister for Disaster Management and Relief Dr Md
Enamur Rahman today while addressing as the chief guest a discussion on
‘Fearsome 12 November: Sustainable thinking on Coastal areas’ at Jatiya Press
Club here.

“Before the severe cyclonic storm ‘Bulbul’ hit the coastal areas, people
were being evacuated to the safety shelters…Some of them were taken
forcefully, as they were not willing to leave their households even it was
dangerous,’ he said.

The durable multistoried buildings will ensure their safety and security
during the disasters, and they will not have to leave their residences
anymore, he commented.

Referring to the government’s plan to build 3 lakh high rise buildings, he
said, “We are working to make Bangladesh as a disaster tolerant country… We
have to protect our coastal areas and people from natural calamities,” he

He said experiences gathered from Japan are being utilized in the projects
to make Bangladesh as an earthquake tolerant country.

Additionally, the experiences of the Netherlands are being used in making
dams in coastal areas stretching 710 kilometres.

Upokul Foundation and Monthly Edu Aid jointly organised the event presided
over by coordinator of Upokul Foundation M Amirul Haque Parvez.

Senior officials of LGRD Ministry, RAJUK, Bangladesh Steel and Engineering
Corporation (BSEC), Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB), teachers from
different departments and faculties of Dhaka University were also present in
the seminar.

BSS/ASG/MAS/RQ/RY/1720 hrs