BSS-09 Representatives from 45 countries join 3-day Dhaka dialogue from tomorrow





Representatives from 45 countries join 3-day Dhaka dialogue from tomorrow

DHAKA, Nov 10, 2019 (BSS) – Around 150 representatives from 45 countries will join together at a three-day dialogue here starting from tomorrow to catalyze conversations regarding the emerging regional and global politico-economic order in the Indo-Pacific area.

Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) and Indian think tank Observer Research Foundation (ORF) will jointly organized the event first its kind style “Dhaka Global Dialogue 2019” to be inaugurated by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at Hotel InterContinental here tomorrow.

This was revealed today at a press briefing addressed by BIISS Director General Major General AKM Abdur Rahman and ORF president Samir Saran at BIISS auditorium here.

“It will focus on discovering a human-first growth and development policy paradigm for the region,” said Saran describing the objective of the dialogue.

He said the Dhaka Global Dialogue will provide an excellent opportunity to discuss and debate the core development issues in the Asian century where all nation can gain partnership and collaboration.

Mentioning that as per Asian Development Bank Bangladesh economy will grow at 8 percent, the highest in Asia, he said Bangladesh is now a model of how a populous can transform its population into human resources by taking advantage of technology in combination with far-sighted policies. “The future of Bangladesh is tied closely with its greater neighborhood,” he added.

Major General Rahman said Bangladesh is keen to keep up its development pace through building cooperative partnership with the countries under greater Indo-Pacific region.

“Dhaka Global Dialogue will review how we (the e countries in Indo-Pacific region) could increase cooperation and partnership with each other,” he said.

Replying to query whether the Rohingya issue will be discussed or not at the dialogue, the BIISS DG said any topic can be discuss there, “there is no restriction to discuss any topic, it depends on the speakers”.

The dialogue will discuss wide range of topics that includes growth and development, commerce security, privacy and Data, Enterprises, Citizen, business and consumer engagement, culture and commerce in clothing industry, climate security and Migration and health and nutrition.

Apart from that, topics like political economy of hard infrastructure and influence, convergence of initiatives and Paradiplomacy in regional connectivity, unlocking blue economy potentials and sustainable tourism, borderless payment and innovation, cyber security, countering violent extremism, renewable energy and women leadership will also be covered.

Representatives of the head of foreign mission and different international organizations in Dhaka, leading entrepreneurs, political leaders, renowned professors around the world will be participate.

Saran said they will try to gather representatives from 80 countries at the second edition of the Dhaka Dialogue while Rahman said they aimed to give full shape to the Dhaka Global Dialogue in 2021 that marks the 50-year anniversary of Bangladesh independence.

BSS/ASG/TA/QC/1545 hrs