BFF-42 Lebanon’s Hezbollah under rare street pressure





Lebanon’s Hezbollah under rare street pressure

BEIRUT, Oct 22, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – When mass anti-government protests
engulfed Lebanon, a taboo was broken as strongholds of the Shiite Hezbollah
movement saw rare demonstrations criticising the party and revered leader
Hasan Nasrallah.

On live TV and in protest sites, citizens accused the party of providing
political cover for a corrupt government that they say has robbed people of
their livelihoods.

This shattered the myth of absolute acquiesence among Hezbollah’s popular
base, baffling even those who hail from the movement’s strongholds.

“No one ever expected that in any of these areas in south Lebanon we would
hear a single word against Nasrallah,” or Amal Movement leader Nabih Berri,
said Sara, a 32-year-old activist who participated in protests in the
southern city of Nabatiyeh.

“It’s unbelievable,” the activist added, asking to use a pseudonym due to
security concerns.

The popular Iran-backed movement is a major political player that took 13
seats in the country’s May 2018 parliamentary elections and secured three
cabinet posts.

It helped its Christian ally Michel Aoun assume the presidency in 2016 and
has since backed his government despite popular dissatisfaction that peaked
last week following protests over taxes, corruption and dire economic

South Lebanon — a bastion of the powerful Shiite movement since the group
liberated the region from Israeli occupation in 2000 — was not spared.

Protests have been reported in the cities of Nabatiyeh, Bint Jbeil, and
Tyre, where Hezbollah and its political affiliate the Amal Movement hold

With the exception of Tyre, they were not as big as other parts of the

But “the novelty here is that some of these protesters are party
loyalists,” said Sara.

“They support Hezbollah, but they are suffocating.”

Among his supporters, Nasrallah is revered as an icon, with his pictures
inundating highways, shops and homes.

In the past, his followers have mobilised against anyone who tried to
criticise him, often ostracising opponents as supporters of rival Israel.

– ‘The resistance’ –

But anti-government protests that started in Beirut on October 17 and
quickly spread across the country left no politician unscathed, not even the
Hezbollah leader.

“All of them means all of them, Nasrallah is one of them,” protesters
chanted in Beirut.

Criticism of Nasrallah even aired on the Hezbollah-run Al-Manar TV, in a
scene that was previously unfathomable for watchers of the movement’s
propaganda arm. In a live interview from central Beirut, one protester urged
Nasrallah to “look after his people in Lebanon” instead of focusing on
regional enterprises like Syria, where he has deployed fighters to defend
President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

Nasrallah acknowledged the mounting criticism against him in a speech on
Saturday: “Curse me, I don’t mind.”

Speaking on the protesters demands, he warned against calling for the
resignation of the government — saying it could take a long time to form a
new one and solve the crisis.

Hatem Gharbeel, a protester in Nabatiyeh, said Hezbollah loyalists felt
let down.

“The messages being addressed to Nasrallah by his own supporters in
Nabatiyeh is that the resistance is not just about fighting Israel or
terrorism,” he said.

“It should also be about supporting people’s livelihoods.”

Other party heads have come in for even greater criticism.

Prime Minister Saad Hariri, Foreign Minster Gebran Bassil and Speaker
Nabih Berri have been the targets of strong insults and slurs by
demonstrators, even in areas where they are popular.

– ‘Nothing to lose’ –

But the relatively toned-down criticism of Nasrallah has broken taboos,
said Gharbeel.

“The barrier of fear has been broken, ” he said.

“It shows that people are not blindly following their political or
sectarian leaders anymore.”

Lokman Slim, an independent political activist and an outspoken critic of
Hezbollah, said that resentment among Lebanon’s Shiite community “is not born
out of a single event or a single moment.”

“Frustration has been fermenting over the past few years over an economic
crisis hampering not just the Lebanese state but also Hezbollah’s statelet.”

Hezbollah has filled in for the weak central government in areas where it
has influence, creating social welfare institutions and provided an array of
public services, including education and health services.

But the group has come under financial strain due to tightening US
sanctions since President Donald Trump assumed office, forcing Nasrallah to
appeal to his popular base for donations earlier this year.

“The Shiites have nothing to lose anymore,” said Slim.

“This is why they are out on the streets.”

BSS/AFP/RY/1808 hrs