BSS-21 IPU adopts Dhaka’s proposal for universal health coverage





IPU adopts Dhaka’s proposal for universal health coverage

DHAKA, Oct 18, 2019 (BSS) – The ‘Universal Health Coverage’ proposal of Bangladesh was unanimously adopted at the closing session of the 141th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) held at Serbia’s capital Belgrade on Thursday.

Professor Dr M Habibe Millat, MP, chairman of the advisory committee on health affairs of the IPU, presented the proposal at the Universal Health Coverage Forum of the union, according to a message received here today.

The implementation of the resolution will ensure the quality health services for all irrespective of the poor and the rich according to their ability.

Earlier, the proposal titled “Achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030: the Role of Parliaments in Ensuring the Right of Health” was tabled on behalf of Bangladesh at the 136th IPU assembly which was held in Dhaka from April 1 to 5 in 2017.

BSS/PR/OG/GA/1655 hrs