BSS-05 Ctg board completes preparations for JSC exam from Nov 2





Ctg board completes preparations for JSC exam from Nov 2

CHATTOGRAM, Oct 17, 2019 (BSS) – Chattogram Education Board (CEB) has
completed all out preparations to conduct the Junior Secondary Certificate
(JSC) examination beginning from November 2 in a free, fair and peaceful

Over 2, 08,988 students from 1273 schools will sit for JSC under CEB
through 231 examination centres this year.

Among the students, 92,559 examinees are boys and 1,16,429 are girls.

A total of 10 vigilance teams consisting of officials of CEB have been
formed to check any sorts of unfair means or irregularities in the JSC exam.

Talking to BSS CEB controller Prof. Mahbub Hasan said the authority is
determined to apply all possible options in preparation process to continue
the recent year’s trend of peaceful examination of Secondary School
Certificate (SSC) in the upcoming JSC.

BSS/MAM/FI/ 1155 hrs