BSS-29 CUET admission test held





CUET admission test held

CHATTOGRAM, Oct 12, 2019 (BSS)- Admission test for first year honours course of 2019-20 academic session was held peacefully in Chattogram University of Engineering and Technology (CUET) here today.

The admission test was held in two sessions– first session from 10 am and second session from 3 pm– for 12 departments under four faculties.

A total of 10972 admission seekers appeared in the test against 890 seats.

Chairman of the Admission Test Committee Prof. Dr. Saiful Islam told BSS that admission test was held peacefully and the results will be announced within next one week.

He said admission process will begin after one month and all admission procedures will be known from the website.

Sources said there are 11 reserved seats for tribal students besides regular 890 seats.