

The prime minister said the government will take stringent action against
those to be indulged in the crime on campus for the sake of maintaining
education atmosphere.

“We’ll take action against those to be involved in crimes. Because
education atmosphere will have to be maintained on the campus,” she said.

Sheikh Hasina continued saying on: “The students will have to pursue
education by keeping pace with the world … they’ll also have to build
themselves as good citizens and take the country forward.”

The premier said the government did not hesitate to take action against the
killers of Abrar Fahad. “We don’t see who belongs which party… we treat
killers as killers, wrongdoers as wrongdoers and torturers as torturers,” she

Sheikh Hasina, also the Awami League president, said she did not wait for
movement or directive of anybody after being informed of the killing of Abrar

“I immediately instructed the police to arrest the killers and collect all
information from video footage regarding the murder. But the police faced
trouble while collecting the footage,” she said.

The prime minister said the students obstructed the police when they were
collecting video footage. “I don’t know why they (students) did it?” she

Sheikh Hasina said the inspector general of police rushed to her after the
incident and wanted to know that what will they do.

“When I wanted to know him that what the students want, he said that they
(students) want copy of the video footage and I asked him to give a copy of
the footage to the students,” she said.

“But you also take the footage and after taking it, you can identify and
arrest the killers and take action against them,” she added.

The prime minister said the accused could not have fled away and they would
have been arrested immediately if 3/4 hours time was not wasted for
collecting the video footage.

“There was nothing to be doubtful about this and I don’t know about the
issue … it seemed that a scope was given to the accused to flee or else and
the protesters can reply to this question, but I cannot say it,” she said.

Sheikh Hasina further said: “I could not delay a single moment and took
steps immediately after being informed of the matter … It also can be never
accepted after committing such a crime.”

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