World Egg Day observed in Gaibandha


GAIBANDHA, Oct 12, 2019 (BSS) – The World Egg Day-2019 was observed in the
district as elsewhere in the country and the globe on Friday with a call to
raise awareness of the benefits of eggs and their importance in human

This year’s theme of the day was “Eat Your Egg Today and Every Day”.

Marking the day, the livestock department here office chalked out the
elaborate programmes in cooperation with Bangladesh Poultry Industries
Central Council.

In the morning, a colorful rally led by district livestock officer (DLO)
Dr. Mohammed Abdus Samad was brought out from the district livestock office
and ended at the office campus after parading the main roads of the town

Later, a discussion meeting was held at the training room of the district
livestock office with DLO Dr. Mohammed Abdus Samad in the chair.

Sadar upazila livestock officer Hira Islam, veterinary surgeon Anwar Hasan,
sub assistant livestock officer Zahangir Alam and poultry farmer Shafiul
Islam, addressed the meeting, among others.

The officials in their speeches said eggs are tasteful foods which are
sources of low calorie, and high-quality protein.

Besides the protein eggs also contain vitamins B and D, and a good
proportion of minerals that are important to health, they also said.

DLO Dr. Mohammed Abdus Samad in his speeches said world Egg Day is
celebrated on the second Friday in October and it was founded by the
International Egg Commission (IEC) at a conference held in Vienna in 1996.

The purpose of this day is to inform people around the world that eggs are
healthy foods and should be included in our daily diet and its aim is to
honor the farmers who take care of chickens so that we will be able to serve
eggs in our table, he also said.

Terming the egg as an incredibly versatile ingredient, for both sweet and
savory dishes DLO Mohammed Abdus Samad said eggs contain lots of protein and
nutrients that are good for the human body.

An emphasis should be given on taking care of chickens and the hens so that
they will surely lay eggs most of the time to meet our demand, the DLO
concluded. Apart from it, the inmates of Government Shishu Paribar (Boys and
Girls) of the town were fed eggs free of cost marking the day, sources said.

A large number of officials, NGO activists and farmers including media men
took part in the programmes spontaneously.