BFF-23 20,000 apply for chance to ‘vent anger’ at Hong Kong leader





20,000 apply for chance to ‘vent anger’ at Hong Kong leader

HONG KONG, Sept 24, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – Hong Kong’s embattled leader said
Tuesday more than 20,000 people have applied to take part in a dialogue
session with her and “vent their anger” at the government after three months
of huge pro-democracy protests.

It is the government’s first attempt to reach out to the protestors since
millions took to the streets in the biggest challenge to China’s rule since
the city’s handover from Britain in 1997.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam said Thursday’s meeting would be an
opportunity for people to have their voices heard but some protesters said
they were not interested as their demands are already clear.

“We have promised that participants from different background, with
different political stands could express their opinions freely, even vent
their anger,” Lam said.

While thousands have applied, just 150 people will be chosen at random to
attend the two-hour session with Lam, and protest equipment such as
umbrellas, helmets and gas masks will not be allowed.

“I hope the community dialogue could be held in a peaceful, rational and
calm environment,” Lam said.

Hong Kong has entered a 17th week of political unrest which seen hundreds
of rallies, some of which ended in violent clashes between police and

More than 1,500 people have been arrested, the youngest aged 12.

Lam said she felt “heart-ache” seeing children being arrested and asked
“how well can children understand the current political issues?”

“Here I need to urge parents, teachers and principals must let children
know that political problems are not that simple,” Lam added.

Her remarks drew criticism from opposition legislators.

“You never under-estimate the young’s voice,” pro-democracy lawmaker
Claudia Mo said.

“Many young people these days are very mature-minded and they knew
perfectly what they are thinking… and what a civilised society should be.”

The protests were initially against a bill that would have allowed
extradition to China, but have snowballed into wider calls for democracy and
police accountability in the semi-autonomous city.

Video emerged over the weekend of officers kicking a detained man wearing a
yellow shirt in an alley.

At a press conference Monday a senior police officer suggested it was not
clear the “yellow object” was a man and claimed the video might have been
doctored, sparking ridicule online.

Higher resolution footage of the same incident shows a man on the ground,
surrounded by police, one of whom kicked him.

Police have repeatedly denied using excessive force and Lam insisted they
had exercised restraint.

“The fact that over three months, we have not seen major fatalities in Hong
Kong, by world standard … it is quite remarkable,” Lam said.

BSS/AFP/MSY/1329 hrs