BSS-25 Order in case against Dudu for threatening PM Oct 7





Order in case against Dudu for threatening PM Oct 7

DHAKA, Sept 22, 2019 (BSS) – A Dhaka court today set October 7 for passing
order in a case filed against BNP Vice-Chairman Shamsuzzaman Dudu for making
life threat to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at a live TV talk show recently.

Today was fixed for passing order in the case but Dhaka Metropolitan
Magistrate Baki Billah reset the date.

Jubo League Joint General Secretary Mohiuddin Ahmed filed the case on
September 19.

“Dudu, recently at a talk show on DBC Television, said Sheikh Hasina has
to go away like her father Sheikh Mujib, making clear life threat to the
Prime Minister,” complainant Mohiuddin told BSS.

The complainant further said such statement has created panic among people
and it is tantamount to attempt on Prime Minister’s life. He also pleaded to
issue arrest warrant against the BNP leader.