BSS-20 Aedes menace going down: DSCC Mayor





Aedes menace going down: DSCC Mayor

DHAKA, August 20, 2019 (BSS) – Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) Mayor Sayeed Khokon today said the number of dengue patients started decreasing across the country.

“DSCC has been working relentlessly reducing the Aedes virus targeting within the month of September…Various steps were taken by government to destroy breeding ground of mosquitoes and increased awareness among people,” he said.

He was speaking while inaugurating at Aedes larvae cleaning programme at Dhaka Medical College and Hospital.

“Under the directive of the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina we all are working together to destroy Aedes mosquito breeding ground and hope soon we would be able to make the country the virus free,” he said

Till now, DSCC has conducted drives at 58,748 houses, he added.

DMCH Director M Nasir Uddin, Columnist Syed Abul Maksud, Bangladesh Scouts and Red Crescent Society members were present, among others.

BSS/Tran/MSH/DH/SMM/1740 hrs