BSS-23 Accord imposes one-sided conditions, alleges BGMEA





Accord imposes one-sided conditions, alleges BGMEA

DHAKA, Aug 3, 2019 (BSS) – Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) today alleged that Accord is imposing new one-sided conditions defying the conciliation agreement.

“Accord signed a new conciliation agreement with BGMEA following a High Court order to work together, but they instead of any consultation with us are imposing new conditions,” said BGMEA President Dr Rubana Huq at a press conference after organizing a workshop on the fire safety issue in a city hotel.

She said even Accord, a platform of more than 200 retailers formed to enhance garment factory safety in Bangladesh after the Rana Plaza collapse in April 2013, has framed its protocol without any discussion.

Rubana said Accord has cautioned 400 factories over safety issues without any communication that punched down export orders and business of these factories, resulting in job losses for labourers.