DNCC, DSCC to run combined operation against Aedes


DHAKA, July 25, 2019 (BSS) – The authorities of Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) and Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) said they will run combined operations to eliminate Aedes mosquito, which transmits Dengue virus.

Lawyers of the two city corporations said these to the High Court as two chief health officers of the two city corporations appeared before a High Court Division bench comprising Justice Tariq ul Hakim and Justice Md Shohrowardi.

Following its July 22 order, Dhaka South City Corporation Chief Health Officer Brigadier General Dr Md Sharif Ahmed and Dhaka North City Corporation Chief Health Officer Brigadier General Md Mominur Rahman Mamun appeared before the High Court today.

Barrister Taufiq Inam Tipu appeared for DNCC and Advocate Sayeed Ahmed Raja for DSCC.

The High Court during the hearing said, “People of the whole country is now terrified. People are getting affected in almost all the houses. You have to bring effective medicine to eliminate Aedes mosquito in a week. You tell me by which process you will bring that.”

The city corporations’ authorities then said they are going to increase the dosage of existing medicine and pleaded for three to four days time to see the result.

The High Court then adjourned the hearing till July 30.

Meanwhile, another High Court bench today asked the state to inform it whether private hospitals and clinics are realizing extra fees for Dengue screening and public hospitals are doing it for free.

A High Court division bench comprising Justice FRM Nazmul Ahasan and Justice KM Kamrul Kader asked Deputy Attorney General Abdullah Al Mahmud Bashar to enquire the matter to the Director General of Directorate General of Health Services and let it know.

The High Court came up with the order as Supreme Court lawyer Advocate Moshtak Ahmed Chowdhury drew court’s attention to newspaper reports, saying the private hospitals, clinics and diagnostic centres are taking extra fees for Dengue screening.