BFF-28 Car boom brings gridlock misery to ‘green and happy’ Bhutan





Car boom brings gridlock misery to ‘green and happy’ Bhutan

THIMPHU, Bhutan, July 24, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – Famed for valuing Gross
National Happiness over economic growth, Bhutan is a poster child for
sustainable development.

But booming car sales may impact efforts to preserve its rare status as a
carbon negative country — and an increase in traffic is testing the good
humour of its citizens.

Bhutan has seen a more than five-fold increase in cars, buses and trucks
on its roads in the past two decades, according to transport authority
director general Pemba Wangchuk with capital Thimphu hardest hit by the
influx of vehicles.

Phuntsho Wangdi, a media consultant, says the congestion and lack of
parking now makes driving stressful in the tiny Himalayan kingdom where there
are no traffic lights.

“I wish there were fewer cars. It wasn’t like this before,” he adds of
life in Thimphu, which is home to half the cars in the country.

The nation’s economy has grown 7.5 percent each year in the past decade,
according to the World Bank. Officials estimate there is now one car for
every seven people in Bhutan, which has a total population of 750,000.

But the nation’s narrow country lanes and outdated city roads can barely
cope. A lack of infrastructure, along with poor driving etiquette — some
simply leave their cars parked in the middle of the road — compounds the

“Every year the number of cars and the number of people are increasing,
and the roads have remained the same, and it’s a problem for us,” Lhendup, a
taxi driver, tells AFP.

– Gridlock misery –

Morning rush hour journeys that once took five minutes now take more than
half an hour.

This may seem a small figure compared to the hours of gridlock faced by
commuters in Manila, Jakarta, and Bangkok, but it is a step-change for the
Bhutanese who say the situation has rapidly deteriorated in the past year.

“Its chaotic. I eat my breakfast in the car now to save time,” says
Kuenzang Choden, who drops her four-year-old daughter at school every day
before heading to work.

The traffic jams are a sign of the wider economic changes the nation is
facing. Bhutan is renowned for prioritising Gross National Happiness over
GDP, and has captured tourists’ imagination as a tranquil, idyllic land, but
there are signs of malcontent.

According to the World Bank’s 2018 report, the youth unemployment rate is
high, as is rural to urban migration, which puts a strain on the resources of
towns and cities. And despite it’s reputation as a place where well-being is
prioritised — it ranked 95th out of 156 countries in the 2019 UN World
Happiness Report.

The proliferation of the internet and smartphones are fuelling modern
desires, while dealers are filling their showrooms with new brands and models
from Japan and South Korea to lure buyers.

And while taxes have increased and restrictions put on vehicle loans, car
buyers are not discouraged.

Local financial institutions gave 3.2 billion ngultrum ($46 million) in
car loans in 2015, but by last year the amount had reached 6.7 billion
ngultrum ($96 million).

The figures please local businessmen but worry environmentalists keen to
ensure Bhutan remains one of the world’s greenest countries.

Environmental activist Yeshey Dorji explains: “As a nation that prides
itself on being a carbon-negative country, the increase in the number of
fossil fuel vehicles speaks poorly of our leadership position in
environmental conservation.”

– Radical measures –

Bhutan and Suriname, both with lush forests, are the only two countries to
claim they are carbon negative, absorbing more carbon pollution than they
give off.

Methane from cows, the burning of crops and other farm activities used to
be Bhutan’s main source of greenhouse gases. But that has changed in recent
years to industry and cars.

Bhutan’s constitution dictates that at least 60 percent of the country
must be forest and the figure is currently above 70 percent. But Bhutan is
now importing more in fossil fuels than it exports in hydropower to India —
the country’s biggest revenue earner.

Public transport is poor, particularly in Thimphu, which is home to
100,000 people but barely 40 buses.

The capital’s mayor Kinlay Dorji plans to introduce bus-only lanes on city
roads and wants to buy more buses.

“Its time for radical measures,” he says.

“We have to make public transport more attractive and discourage owning
cars,” he adds, warning that unless action was taken Thimphu risked grinding
to a standstill.

To ease congestion, the city is also constructing its first two multi-
storey car parks that will each take about 600 cars.

The National Environment Commission insists Bhutan is still carbon
negative despite the traffic jams and vehicle boom, but wants to stop things

Commission secretary Dasho Sonam P. Wangdi explains: “We cannot stop
people from buying cars, but we can introduce alternative, less polluting
cars such as the hybrid and electric ones to reduce carbon footprint.”

BSS/AFP/ARS/1635 hrs