BFF-20 Four dead in rebel attack on Thai army base





Four dead in rebel attack on Thai army base

PATTANI, Thailand, July 24, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – Four people were killed in a
late-night attack by suspected Muslim insurgents on a military outpost in
Thailand’s violence-wracked south, authorities said Wednesday.

The attack comes as anger snowballs over the case of a Muslim rebel suspect
who was left in a critical condition after spending several hours in a
notorious army interrogation unit.

The 15-year conflict in the Malay-Muslim majority ‘Deep South’ has left
over 7,000 people dead, but garners little global attention.

Rebels seeking autonomy for the culturally distinct ‘Deep South’ have been
fighting the Buddhist-majority Thai state, which colonised the area over a
century ago.

Late on Tuesday militants struck the remote base in Pattani province,
throwing grenades and laying down nearly an hour of automatic fire, an army
spokesman told AFP.

“Four people were killed including an army sergeant-major, two defence
volunteers and a villager,” said Colonel Thanawee Suwannarat.

The rebels stole five machine guns, burnt tyres and scattered spikes on the
road as they fled to hamper any chase, he added.

Confirming the death toll, a Pattani police officer said two other people
were in hospital in a critical condition, in one of the deadliest single
incidents to hit the region in months.

The attack comes four days after rebel suspect Abdulloh Esormusor was left
unconscious after being arrested under martial law and taken to a notorious
military camp in Pattani.

Thailand’s army is investigating how the 34-year-old came to be
hospitalised with brain swelling hours after arriving at the Inkayuth camp.

An army statement said the camp doctor recorded the suspect arriving in
good health, but said he was later found unconscious after being held in the
“interrogation centre”.

Inkayuth is the Thai army’s biggest detention centre in the south, where
rebel suspects are taken for questioning and held under the emergency laws
governing the conflict-scarred region.

The army has vowed to punish anyone found guilty of abuse.

But critics say impunity reigns in the security straitjacket of the south –
– no military personnel have ever been successfully prosecuted for abuses
over the conflict.

Sunai Phasuk of Human Rights Watch speculated Tuesday’s attack “was in
retaliation” for the treatment of Abdulloh.

An umbrella group representing some of the shadowy rebel groups said they
suspected “foul play” in Abdulloh’s case and called for an international

Insurgents operating in small, secretive village-level cells carry out
near-daily bomb attacks and shootings in the south — including the murder of
Buddhist civilians and Muslims perceived to be collaborating with the state.

Attacks are often a swift and targeted kickback against arrests or deaths
of suspected rebels or Muslim civilians.

BSS/AFP/MSY/1144 hrs