BSS-28 BDRCS opens control room to access damages by flood





BDRCS opens control room to access damages by flood

DHAKA, July 13, 2019 (BSS) – Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) has
opened a control room to assess the damages caused by flood in North, East
and mid-region part of the country.

Any information related to damages caused by flood will be known from the
control room (+ 0088-02-9355995, 01720977877 and PABX # 9330188, 9330189,
9350399 – 228).

BDRCS has also kept the National Disaster Response Team, National Disaster
(Water and Sanitation) WATSAN Response Team (NDRT) and Unit Disaster Response
Team prepared to help the affected people, said a press release.

Mobile water purification kits have also been kept ready to supply safe
water to the affected areas.

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society has always been working for the well being
of the people and they always stand beside them during any natural calamity.

BSS/PR/DH/ARS/1847 hrs