Mozammel visits site for 1971 Indian war heroes


BRHAMANBARIA, July 11, 2019 (BSS)-Liberation War Affairs minister A K M Mozammel Haque today firmly said no kid and successor of war criminals will be the member of Awami League.

“Awami League will expel if children of any war criminals family has become member of the party… there should be no controversy over the issue,” he said.

The minister said this while visiting a site at Sonarampur area of Ashugonj Upazila selected for construction of a monument in memory of the Indian soldiers who embraced martyrdom in the War of Liberation in 1971.

“Trial of war criminals will never be stopped. It will continue,” he said urging local people to file lawsuit against the war criminals of their area.

The minister said trial of the war criminals would be a continuous process. All criminals from top of bottom levels would be brought to book in phases, he said.

About the much talked about ‘fake muktijoddha’ the minister said, the government has classified those people who were not warriors of 1971. “We are taking action whenever we are getting any allegation,” he said.

The liberation war affairs minister said more than 700 Indian soldiers have embraced martyrdom in the War of Liberation. So, the government has decided to build a monument in their memory.

The government has selected Ashugonj for the monument as most of the Indian warriors were killed in this area, the minister said.

Secretary of the Liberation War Affairs Ministry SM Arif Ur Rahman, Deputy Commissioner of Brahamanbaria Hayat-ud-Dowla Khan, Upazila Parisad chairman hanif Munsi, UNO Nazimul Haider, president of Bangladesh Ain Samity Quamruzamman Ansari and former commander of Ashugonj Muktijoddha Sangsad Iqbal Hossain were present.