BFF-13 Hundreds converge on Hong Kong parliament in fresh anti-govt demo





Hundreds converge on Hong Kong parliament in fresh anti-govt demo

HONG KONG, June 21, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – Hundreds of black-clad protesters
poured into Hong Kong’s main government complex Friday to demand the
resignation of the city’s pro-Beijing leader over a controversial extradition
proposal that has sparked the territory’s biggest political crisis in

The protest comes after the government refused to meet the demands of
demonstrators who have marched in their millions to oppose a bill that would
allow extraditions to the Chinese mainland.

The movement has morphed into a larger rebuke of Chief Executive Carrie
Lam’s administration.

Opposition groups have called for the complete withdrawal of the
legislation and for Lam to step down. People started converging at the
complex before rush hour, many dressed in black — the colour of choice at
the rally on Sunday that organisers said drew two million, making it the
largest in Hong Kong’s history.

Protesters, who have been largely leaderless during the anti-government
rallies, were asked to “hold picnics” outside the legislature.

Many sat with umbrellas unfurled to block the sun, others sprayed water
over groups to keep them cool in the heat. Some found shade under a bridge
near the complex.

“Physically and mentally, I’m really tired. But there’s no other way, as a
Hong Konger you can’t not come out,” said 21-year-old student Cheung Po Lam.

“I’m very dissatisfied with… (the government’s) attitude,” he added.

Organisers had also called for a go-slow protest on roads and public
transport. There were no immediate indications of an unusual slowdown in the

Some at the government complex brought placards asking the police not to
shoot at them, in a reference to sporadic violence last week between security
officials and protesters.

In addition to ousting Lam and cancelling the extradition bill, protesters
also want the release of those detained during those clashes, and an
investigation into allegations of police brutality.

“The government still hasn’t responded to our demands, After so many
days… they are all talking rubbish and shifting the blame on one another,”
protester Poyee Chan, 28, told AFP.

“So I feel we need to come out and tell them: we citizens won’t accept
such fake responses.”

– ‘Blossom everywhere’ –

The call for Friday’s protest was made by the city’s student unions, as
well as informal organisers over social media and messaging apps like

“Blossom everywhere,” read a statement circulated Thursday in a Telegram
chat group.

“There are many ways to participate. Think carefully about your own ways
to show your love to Hong Kong. June 21 is not the end of the fight, there
will be more in the coming days.”

The groups had also recommended a mass strike, but it was not immediately
clear which business or professional groups would support such a call.

Lam has so far defied calls to step down, and while she has apologised and
suspended the bill indefinitely, it has failed to quell anger.

Administrative offices at the complex were closed on Friday “due to
security considerations”.

Opponents of the extradition bill fear it will ensnare the people of Hong
Kong in mainland China’s opaque and politicised justice system, and also give
Beijing a tool to target its critics based in the semi-autonomous territory.

The Chinese government had supported the extradition proposal, and accused
protest organisers of colluding with Western governments. It dismissed
expressions of support for the Hong Kong opposition as interference in the
city — and China’s — internal affairs.

But Beijing said after the bill’s suspension that it respected and
understood the decision.

Hong Kong was handed over to China by Britain in 1997, and under the
transfer agreement, the city enjoys freedoms unseen on the mainland. But many
residents have been alarmed in recent years by what they feel is a tighter
grip by Beijing.

BSS/AFP/RY/10:35 hrs