BFF-25 Deaths of British, Irish climbers add to Everest toll





Deaths of British, Irish climbers add to Everest toll

KATHMANDU, May 25, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – The deaths of an Irish and a British
climber on Mount Everest took the toll from a deadly week on the world’s
highest peak to 10, expedition organisers said Saturday.

British climber Robin Fisher, 44, reached the summit Saturday morning but
collapsed when he had got just 150 metres back down the slope.

“Our guides tried to help but he died soon after,” Murari Sharma of Everest
Parivar Expedition told AFP.

On the northern Tibet side of the mountain, a 56-year-old Irish man died
Friday morning, his expedition organisers confirmed in a statement on their
Facebook page.

The man decided to return without reaching the summit but died in his tent
at the North Col pass at 7,000 metres (22,965 feet).

Four climbers from India and one each from the United States, Austria and
Nepal have already died on Everest in the past week. Another Irish
mountaineer is missing presumed dead after he slipped and fell close to the

A traffic jam of climbers in the Everest “death zone” has been blamed for
at least four of the deaths, heightening concerns that the drive for profits
is trumping safety.

Nepal issued a record 381 permits for mainly foreign climbers, costing
$11,000 each, for the spring climbing season.

Each climber with a permit is assisted by at least one sherpa, adding to
the summit logjam.

With the short window of suitable weather due to close soon, bottlenecks of
scores of climbers wanting to achieve the ultimate mountaineering accolade
have built up each day.

An estimated 600 people had reached the summit via the Nepal side by
Friday, a government official said, based on information from expedition

At least 140 others have been granted permits to scale Everest from the
northern flank in Tibet, according to operators. This could take the total
past last year’s record of 807 people reaching the summit.

Many Himalayan mountains — including Everest — are at peak climbing
season, with the good weather between late April and the end of May.

Eight other climbers have died on other 8,000-metre-plus Himalayan peaks
this season, while two are missing.

BSS/AFP/FI/ 1442 hrs