BFF-22 US says 13 suspected IS members killed in Somalia airstrike





US says 13 suspected IS members killed in Somalia airstrike

NAIROBI, May 10, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – US forces in Africa launched an airstrike
against the Islamic State group in Somalia, killing 13 suspected militants, a
military statement said Thursday.

The strike was carried out in the Golis Mountains in northern Somalia,
where three IS militants were killed in April.

“At this time, it is assessed the airstrike on May 8 killed thirteen
terrorists. Currently, we assess no civilians were injured or killed as a
result of this airstrike,” said a statement from the US Africa Command, or

The Islamic State has a relatively small presence in Somalia compared to
the Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab.

But IS has been particularly active in the northern Puntland region,
establishing training camps and depots for weapons coming mainly from nearby

The Shebab, by far the largest radical Islamist group in Somalia,
officially integrated into Al-Qaeda in 2012. But a small number of its
members — around 200 — defected to the IS.

That group, based in semi-autonomous Puntland, is led by Abdulqadir Mumin,
who in August 2016 was placed by the US State Department on a list of
international terrorists.

IS in Somalia has been the target of previous airstrikes.

Africa Command said an April 14 strike in Somalia killed IS’s second in
command there, Abdulhakim Dhuqub, who was in charge of the group’s attack
planning and daily operations.

As of late 2018, Africom put the number of IS fighters in Somalia at
between 75 and 250 — compared to the estimated 3,000 to 7,000 Shebab

BSS/AFP/SSS/1425 hrs