BFF-20, 21 Kim, Putin vow to seek closer ties at first talks





Kim, Putin vow to seek closer ties at first talks

VLADIVOSTOK, Russia, April 25, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – Russian President Vladimir
Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vowed to seek closer ties as they
met face-to-face Thursday for the first time.

The meeting in Russia’s Far Eastern city of Vladivostok came with Kim
looking for support in his nuclear stand-off with Washington and Putin keen
to put Moscow forward as a player in another global flashpoint.

In brief statements before heading in to the talks, both leaders expressed
their hopes for strengthening historic ties.

“I think it will be a very useful meeting in developing the relationship
between the two countries, who have a long friendship and history, into a
more stable and sound one,” Kim said.

“As the world is focused on the Korean peninsula, I think we will hold a
very meaningful dialogue.”

Putin told Kim he supports ongoing efforts to ease tensions on the Korean
peninsula and wants to boost economic ties.

“I am confident that your visit… will help us to better understand how
we can resolve the situation on the Korean peninsula and what Russia can do
to support the positive processes that are currently taking place,” Putin

“In terms of bilateral relations, we have a lot to do to develop economic

The meeting was Kim’s first face-to-face talks with another head of state
since returning from his Hanoi summit with US President Donald Trump, which
broke down without a deal on North Korea’s nuclear arsenal in February. –
North Korean labourers –

Among the issues likely to be on the table is the fate of some 10,000
North Korean labourers working in Russia and due to leave by the end of this
year under sanctions.

Labour is one of North Korea’s key exports and sources of cash. Pyongyang
has reportedly asked Russia to continue to employ its workers after the

Kim, whose government has told the United Nations it is facing food
shortfalls this year, will also be keen to see Moscow continue or boost its

Russia has provided some $25 million in food aid to North Korea in recent
years, according to the Kremlin. One delivery in March saw more than 2,000
tonnes of wheat supplied to the port of Chongjin, news agency TASS reported.

For Putin, the summit is a chance to push Russia’s agenda of opposing US
international influence.

In an interview with China’s official People’s Daily published on
Thursday, Putin lashed out at “countries claiming sole global leadership”.

“They carelessly trample on the norms and principles of international law,
resort to blackmail, sanctions and pressure, and try to force their values
and dubious ideals on entire countries and populations,” said Putin, who is
heading to China after the talks for another summit.

MORE/MSY/1117 hrs




The Vladivostok meeting follows repeated invitations from Putin since Kim
embarked on a series of diplomatic overtures last year.

Since March 2018, the formerly reclusive North Korean leader has held four
meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping, three with South Korea’s Moon
Jae-in, two with Trump and one with Vietnam’s president.

At the meeting with Trump in Hanoi, the cash-strapped North demanded
immediate relief from sanctions, but the talks broke up in disagreement over
what Pyongyang was prepared to give up in return.

North Korea last week launched a blistering attack on US Secretary of
State Mike Pompeo, insisting he be removed from the negotiations just hours
after announcing it had carried out a new weapons test.

Pompeo said on Wednesday he expected “bumpy” talks ahead with Pyongyang
but that he still hoped to reach a potentially landmark denuclearisation

– Soviet-era allies –

Russia has already called for the sanctions to be eased, while the US has
accused it of trying to help Pyongyang evade some of the measures —
accusations Russia denies.

The Kremlin has said the focus of Thursday’s talks will be on finding “a
political and diplomatic solution to the nuclear problem on the Korean
Peninsula” but that no joint statement or signing of agreements was planned.

Moscow was a crucial backer of Pyongyang for decades and their ties go
back to the founding of North Korea, when the Soviet Union installed Kim’s
grandfather Kim Il Sung as a leader.

The USSR reduced funding to the North as it began to seek reconciliation
with Seoul in the 1980s, but Pyongyang was hit hard by its demise in 1991.

Soon after his first election as Russian president, Putin sought to
normalise relations and met Kim Jong Il — the current leader’s father and
predecessor — three times, including a 2002 meeting also held in

China has since cemented its role as the isolated North’s most important
ally, its largest trading partner and crucial fuel supplier, and analysts say
Kim could be looking to balance Beijing’s influence.

While ties between Moscow and Pyongyang have remained cordial, the last
meeting between their leaders came in 2011, when Kim Jong Il told then-
president Dmitry Medvedev that he was prepared to renounce nuclear testing.

His son has since overseen by far the country’s most powerful blast to
date, and launch of missiles which Pyongyang says are capable of reaching the
entire US mainland.

BSS/AFP/MSY/1117 hrs