BFF-28 Israel destroys home of Palestinian accused of killing two Israelis





Israel destroys home of Palestinian accused of killing two Israelis

NABLUS, Palestinian Territories, April 24, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – Israel’s
military on Wednesday destroyed the West Bank home of a Palestinian accused
of having killed two Israelis in March, the army said.

Soldiers surrounded the home late Tuesday in Az-Zawiya in the Salfit
region of the occupied West Bank before carrying out the demolition using
explosives and heavy machinery.

Omar Amin Abu Laila was accused of fatally stabbing soldier Gal Keidan,
19, and stealing his weapon on March 17, the army said at the time.

He then fired at Israeli motorists, hitting 47-year-old rabbi Ahiad
Ettinger, a resident of the Eli settlement, who later died of his wounds,
according to the army.

Abu Laila, 19, was shot dead two days later during an arrest raid by
Israeli forces in the West Bank village of Abwein, north of Ramallah.

Israeli authorities accused Abu Laila of opening fire at forces, who
killed him.

Israel routinely demolishes the homes of Palestinians accused of attacks
as part of a policy it says discourages future violence.

But human rights groups and Palestinians say the practice amounts to
collective punishment, with family members forced to pay for the acts of a

BSS/AFP/MSY/1419 hrs