BFF-23 Egyptians vote in second day of referendum to extend Sisi rule





Egyptians vote in second day of referendum to extend Sisi rule

CAIRO, April 21, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – Egyptians voted for a second day on
Sunday in a referendum on proposed constitutional amendments aimed at
cementing the rule of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

Sisi is widely expected to win backing for changes making it possible for
him to stay in power until 2030, boosting his control over the judiciary and
giving the military even greater influence in political life.

Egyptian media outlets, tightly controlled by the state, have carried
images of packed voting stations, while dissenting voices from the opposition
and rights groups against the measures have been largely restricted to the

Some voters say their employers have encouraged them to vote, while others
say they have received food coupons from unidentified people.

In their initial report on the first day of the nationwide electoral
process, an international observer team said “there were no hurdles to

The three-day referendum bucks the trend of North Africa’s renewed
uprisings, in which mass pro-democracy protests this month swept away veteran
presidents in Algeria and Sudan.

Former defence minister Sisi took power in 2013 and was elected president
in 2014 after leading the army’s overthrow of Islamist president Mohamed

He was re-elected for another four-year term in 2018 with more than 97
percent of the vote.

The proposed constitutional changes would allow him to extend his current
term by two years and to run for another six-year term.

Since Sisi took power, rights campaigners have regularly accused his
government of abuses including mass trials and torture, as well as a
clampdown on opposition and the press.

Human Rights Watch has slammed the proposed changes, saying they would
“entrench repression”.

In a statement Saturday, the New York-based watchdog criticised the
“grossly unfree, rights-abusive environment” of the vote.

Supporters of the amendments say they will help ensure Egypt’s political
stability, security and economic development.

The results are expected to be announced on April 27.

BSS/AFP/SSS/1551 hrs