EU leaders switch focus to Europe’s future with Brexit delay


STRASBOURG, France, April 16, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – European Commission chief
Jean-Claude Juncker said Tuesday the European Union can focus unhindered on
building its own future now that Britain has a longer delay to work out its
troubled exit.

Speaking to the European Parliament, Juncker also insisted Britain
cooperate with the EU during the delay, which he did not expect to be renewed
after October 31, and be treated as a full member.

“The future of our union is not Brexit,” Juncker, the head of the 28-nation
EU’s executive arm, told the parliament in its last session before the May
23-26 elections.

“Brexit cannot and will not hinder our progress,” Juncker said, adding the
delay agreed at a summit last week will mean Europe will not be forced to
discuss Brexit every week.

He referred to key decisions ahead on a new multi-year EU budget,
international trade, and the selection of new European leaders, including his

Echoing terms of the delay the EU granted Britain at a summit last week,
Juncker also underlined anew Britain’s role in the months or weeks ahead.

“We are requesting there will be a loyal and responsible cooperation,” the
former Luxembourg premier said, switching to English from a speech in French
and German.

But Juncker also said Britain must be treated as a full member as long as
it stays in the block. “We don’t have member states of second rank.”

Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, underlined Juncker’s points
on Britain’s role ahead and said the delay allowed Europe to focus on other
priorities like trade with the United States.

European leaders agreed with Britain last Thursday to delay Brexit by up to
October 31, saving the continent from what could have been a chaotic no-deal
departure on April 12.

The April 12 deadline was a delay from an original deadline of March 29.

The EU granted the delays after Prime Minister Theresa May failed three
times to get her parliament to adopt the divorce deal she struck in Brussels
in November.

The deal also means that, if London remains in the EU after May 22, British
voters will have to take part in European elections — or crash out on June

Juncker underlined the options facing Britain.

“The United Kingdom can also revoke its request to leave, but it is not my
working hypothesis,” Juncker said. “Nor is it my working hypothesis that
there will be another extension beyond October 31.”