BSS-11 Hasan denounces attempt to politicize Nusrat killing





Hasan denounces attempt to politicize Nusrat killing

DHAKA, April 16, 2019 (BSS) – Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud today described those responsible for the killing of madrasa student Nusrat Jahan Rafi as miscreants and denounced the attempt to politicize the issue.

“As per the directives of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the authorities concerned are doing everything to bring the culprits to book,” he said at a press briefing at his secretariat office here.

Terming Nusrat killing as one of the heinous incidents, Dr Hasan said it has hurt the country as well as the society. “The government is working on this issue so that such incidents do not recur in the country,” he added.

Dr Hasan, also the publicity and publication secretary of the ruling AL, said all culprits, even if any public servant is found guilty, would be brought to book and none will be spared.

He said some BNP leaders visited the residence of Nusrat after the incident. “But I don’t know why they are shedding crocodile tears as they have created the culture of killing people by throwing petrol bombs or torching,” he added.

The minister urged all to raise voice against such brutal crimes and to stop politicization of killing incidents.

About the possibility of joining parliament by BNP’s elected MPs, Dr Hasan said the country people will welcome their decision if they join the House. “We will also welcome their decision,” he added.

If they join, it will be a positive decision, he said, adding, “I think they could play a vital role in parliament and democracy would be stronger.”