BSS-19 Govt takes elaborate programme on Mujibnagar Day





Govt takes elaborate programme on Mujibnagar Day

DHAKA, April 15, 2019 (BSS) – An elaborate programme has been taken at the national level to observe the historic Mujibnagar Day on April 17 commemorating the oath-taking of the country’s first government.

On this day in 1971, Mujibnagar, formerly known as Baidyanathtala, in Meherpur district witnessed the ceremonial formation of the provisional government of Bangladesh that led the Liberation War.

The programme will begin with hoisting of the national flag at dawn atop Liberation War Memorial Monument at Mujibnagar, said a Liberation War Affairs Ministry press release here today.

The other events of the day will include placing of wreaths at the memorial monument by ministers, different dignitaries and political leaders at 9am, followed by guard of honour and parade by freedom fighters, police, Ansar-VD, BNCC, Scout and school students.

A discussion will be held at the Sheikh Hasina Mancha at Mujibnagar at 10.45am. Cabinet members, members of parliament, noted personalities and political leaders will join the discussion.

A cultural function will be held at 5pm on the memorial monument premises.

On the eve of the day, President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will issue separate messages highlighting significance of the day.

Televisions and radios will air special programmes and newspapers will publish special supplements on the occasion.

Different social and cultural organizations and educational institutions will also organize different programmes to mark the day.

In observance of the day, important buildings, structures and main road islands in the capital city, Meherpur district and Mujibnagar Upazila will be illuminated.

The day also will be observed at the district and upazila levels and at Bangladesh missions abroad.

On April 17, 48 years back, the tiny mango grove-covered village in Baidyanathtala witnessed the ceremonial formation of the provisional government of Bangladesh and millions of freedom loving people listened to the announcement of the formation of the government over radio.

Following Pakistan army’s dastardly attack on unarmed people in the night of March 25-26 in 1971, the first government of independent People’s Republic of Bangladesh was formed on April 10 in 1971 comprising the elected representatives with Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as its President, Syed Nazrul Islam as Vice-President and Tajuddin Ahmed as Prime Minister.

On April 10, the elected representatives firmly supported and approved the declaration of independence by Bangabandhu on March 26, 1971 and issued formal proclamation of independence. In absence of Bangabandhu, who was arrested after declaration of country’s independence on the night of March 25 and kept in a jail in the then West Pakistan during the whole period of liberation war, Vice President Syed Nazrul Islam was entrusted with the charge of Acting President.

The government was sworn in on April 17, 1971 in a ceremony at a mango-grove in Baidyanathtala under Meherpur, which later was renamed as Mujibnagar.

A day after the swearing-in ceremony the portfolios of the government was distributed when M Mansur Ali was given the charge of minister for finance, commerce and industry, AHM Quamaruzzaman was given the charge of minister for home, relief, rehabilitation and agriculture and Khondker Mushtaque Ahmed was made the foreign minister.

Mushtaque, however, was virtually made dysfunctional in the subsequent months as his stance against the independence appeared clear to the government.

The Mujibnagar Government led the war of liberation in 1971 and freed the country from the clutches of Pakistani occupation forces on December 16 the same year, fighting a nine-month-long war.

BSS/PR/SAH/BR/1730 hrs