BFF-21 Zarif reminds European powers Iran can enrich uranium





Zarif reminds European powers Iran can enrich uranium

TEHRAN, April 15, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif
issued a “reminder” Monday to European powers that Tehran is allowed to
enrich uranium under its nuclear deal, after a senior French diplomat claimed

“There is no prohibition on the enrichment of uranium by Iran,” Zarif

His comments were addressed to France, Germany and Britain who signed up to
the landmark 2015 accord with Tehran under which uranium enrichment is
curtailed but not banned.

Zarif’s remark follows France’s ambassador to Washington declaring: “It’s
false to say that at the expiration of the JCPOA (nuclear deal), Iran will be
allowed to enriching uranium.”

The claim on Saturday by Gerard Araud has since been deleted from his
Twitter account.

Under the 2015 agreement, Iran can only enrich uranium to 3.67 percent —
far below the roughly 90-percent level needed for nuclear weapons.

“Might be useful for European partners to actually read the document they
signed on to, and pledged to defend,” Zarif added Monday.

The European powers have vowed to stand by the historic nuclear deal
despite the United States pulling out of the agreement last year and imposing
sanctions on Iran.

The United Nations’ atomic watchdog in February reported Tehran has been
abiding by the terms of the accord despite Washington’s pullout.

BSS/AFP/SSS/1735 hrs