Mass Killing Day on March 25


Dhaka, March 19, 2019 (BSS) – The Mass Killing Day will be observed across
the country on March 25, marking the widespread massacre by Pakistani Army on
the unarmed Bengalis on the black night of March 25, 1971.

Countrywide blackout programme will be held for one minute at 9 pm on the
day except important installations and moving vehicles, a handout said.

Marking the day, discussions and memorial programmes will be arranged at
the all educational institutions. Rare photos and documentaries on mass
killing will be exhibited on the premises on the Department of Films &
Publications to be arranged jointly by Information Ministry, Press and
Information Department, Bangladesh Television and Bangladesh Bater.

Besides, rare photos and documentaries on mass killing will be exhibited
across the country.

President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will issue separate
messages on the occasion. Newspapers will publish special supplementary
highlighting the significance of the day.

Special munazat will be offered at all mosques after Asar prayers and other
religious institutions in convenient time, seeking the eternal peace of
martyrs who were killed on March 25, 1971.

Discussions will be arranged at district and upazila levels marking the
day. Besides, cultural programmes on mass killing and the Liberation War will
be organised across the country.