BFF-24 Two dead, hundreds evacuated amid severe Indonesia floods





Two dead, hundreds evacuated amid severe Indonesia floods

BANDUNG, Indonesia, March 8, 2019 (BSS/AFP) – At least two people were
killed and six more were missing after torrential rains and severe flooding
in parts of Indonesia, the disaster agency said Friday, forcing the
evacuation of hundreds of people.

Heavy rain has pounded Indonesia for days, forcing the Citarum river —
dubbed “the world’s dirtiest” — on Java island to burst its banks, and
causing deadly flash floods in the eastern part of the sprawling Southeast
Asian archipelago.

Residents in a dozen communities on the outskirts of Bandung city, east of
the capital Jakarta, were forced to wade through streets filled with chest-
high water in places.

Images from the scene showed residents being moved to safety on pontoon
boats and small wooden vessels.

Floods and landslides killed a pair of residents in East Nusa Tenggara
province on the island of Flores, the agency said.

Six others are still missing and three people were injured, said national
disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.

Flooding is common during Indonesia’s rainy season, which runs roughly
from October to April.

In January, at least 70 people were killed when floods and landslides hit
South Sulawesi province.

The latest floods have affected over 30,000 people in parts of West Java
and East Java provinces, the disaster agency said.

The Citarum — a nearly 300-kilometre (185-mile) water body that is a key
source for hydroelectric power for Indonesia’s most populous island Java and
tourism hotspot Bali — regularly bursts its banks during torrential rains.

The World Bank declared it the most polluted river in the world a decade
ago, a description widely picked up by media and environmentalists.

Faced with a public health emergency after decades of failed clean-up
efforts, Jakarta last year stepped in with a bold plan to make the Citarum’s
toxic waters drinkable by 2025.

The river has long been a floating carpet of household rubbish, animal
faeces and toxic chemicals dumped by nearby factories.

BSS/AFP/SSS/1552 hrs