BSS-27 DSCC seals old city’s chemical warehouses, cuts utility lines





DSCC seals old city’s chemical warehouses, cuts utility lines

DHAKA, Feb 28, 2019 (BSS) – The Taskforce under Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) today sealed chemical warehouses and factories in Shahidnagar and Islambagh residential areas of old city and cut gas, water and electricity service lines of 21 houses there.

Against the backdrop of old city’s Chawkbazar fire that claimed lives of 69 people, the decision of the drive against chemical godowns at Old Dhaka was taken at a stakeholders’ meeting with DSCC Mayor Sayeed Khokon in the chair on February 12 and the month-long drive started this morning, DSCC public relations officer (PRO) Uttam Kumar Roy told BSS.

“Respective warehouse owners have been asked to clear away the goods and other necessary utensils by Saturday, otherwise legal actions will be taken against them,” he said.

He added: “Meanwhile, the utility lines will be reconnected if they remove all chemical substances within the stipulated timeframe.”

Representatives of 10 agencies, including DSCC, Fire Service and Civil Defense, Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company, Department of Explosive, Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA) and Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) were present during the drive.

BSS/Asg/MSH-SIR/GA/1910 Hrs