BSS-02 Flyover construction progressing fast in Rajshahi city





Flyover construction progressing fast in Rajshahi city

RAJSHAHI, Feb 26, 2019 (BSS)- The work on construction of a flyover for the
first time in Rajshahi city is progressing fast.

The 202.5-meter flyover along with a 120-meter ramp is being constructed at
Budhpara Railway crossing with an estimated cost of Tk 29.28 crore.

The project is being implemented under the Tk 182.68 crore Rajshahi-
Naogaon-Natore four-lane road construction scheme which will establish a
direct link between the people of East and West sides of the city.

Mayor of Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) AHM Khairuzzaman Liton visited the
site to the under construction flyover on Monday afternoon.

Some RCC Ward Councilors, engineers and officials concerned accompanied the
mayor on the occasion.

Mayor Liton asked the engineers of the country to find ways to construct
flyovers in an alternative process so that the country’s limited and valuable
land assets could be saved.

He urged the contractors to ensure quality of the work and finish the task
within the stipulated time frame. He sought cooperation from all to make
Rajshahi a modern and clean city.

BSS/AH/MR/ 1106 hrs